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Glad Tidings     2024

The   Monthly   Newsletter   of  Presbyterian  Women in  the  Presbytery of Tampa    Bay



Thursdays in Black    to raise  awareness

of violence against women and children

through the World Council of Churches.


Fridays in Red

          Remember Everyone Deployed


Churchwide Gathering               Aug 8~11

Do Everything in Love

Who is planning to “Gather at the River” for the August 8-11 Churchwide Gathering? Let’s make some plans! Check out the information at presbyterianwomen.org and please let Susan know you are going.


Early registration ended April 30 but you may still download the form and mail it in. The motel room is running $185 (we figure 2 to a room is reasonable) and air fare seems to be around $300.


There is some financial assistance that will be divided after the gathering.


Please be aware there are long walks between your room, meetings, meals, and workshop spaces. Plan accordingly.


Robin is looking to travel with others – Which airline & flight # are you using, (I am booked on Southwest) how are you planning to get to the hotel – thinking the light rail looks interesting? Etc.



The Synod of the South Atlantic’s luncheon is at noon Saturday during the Churchwide Gathering at the Marriot Courtyard (where most of us are staying) and you can reserve your place at the table when you register.


It is time for serious planning so let us know your plans for Churchwide in St. Louis!



Books you may enjoy:

Infinite Country a novel by Patricia Engel
by Aaron Bobrow-Strain  (a true account of one women's experience)

Solito  - A Memoir by Zavier Zamora by Aaron Bobrow-Strain is a true account about a 9-year-old c
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Glad Tidings  July  2024
The   Monthly   Newsletter   of  Presbyterian  Women in  the  Presbytery of Tampa    Bay
Thursdays in Black   

               to raise  awareness of violence against women and children
               through the World Council of Churches.

Fridays in Red
               Remember Everyone Deployed

Churchwide Gathering            Aug 8~11     Do Everything in Love
Who is planning to “Gather at the River” for the August 8-11 Churchwide Gathering?
Early registration ended April 30 but you may still download the form and mail it in. The motel room is running $185 (we figure 2 to a room is reasonable) and air fare seems to be around $300.
*There is some financial assistance that will be divided after the gathering.

Please be aware there are long walks between your room, meetings, meals, and workshop spaces. Plan accordingly.
Our Synod of the South Atlantic Lunch is at noon Saturday at the Marriot Courtyard. NO TICKETS will be available @ the door for the Synod lunch.  If you do not purchase when you register, then you will not be able to attend the lunch!!!  - wear your Synod shirts if you have them.
Deadline for buying tickets online through registration is July 7!!!
The 4th of July is coming! How will you celebrate? Hot Dogs and Fireworks? Old movies on cable? Family or extended family picnic? Hope you have a bang up good time!

 For July with your Presbyterian Women’s group, what are you planning? For many reasons, this is not a good time for a day trip – many school-age children in summer camps are everywhere you will plan to go. so go in the afternoon or wait until after August 12 to enjoy our many day-trip opportunities.
Here is a list you might consider for your planning:
           Project Day to sew, paint, macramé, origami, etc.
           A  Pot Luck coffee, brunch, lunch dinner, tea or just dessert
           Start a book group which can take a variety of formats
           Clear/organize closets, etc. at your church
           Meet at a restaurant for lunch or dinner
           Have a movie matinee or evening show at church or a theatre
           A picnic at a park – either close by or out of your neighborhood for a change

           Go to a beach – they are safe from kids and sunburn late afternoon or early evening
           Have cooking, sewing, or knitting, etc. classes – learn a new skill!

Our first Hurricane, Beryl, at this writing is not a threat to us.

However, this is the time to get prepared for a serious storm.

Being Prepared may mean securing your house or planning where you will ride out the storm and possibly the aftermath.
If you go to shelter or stay with family or friends, make sure they are prepared or be ready to take supplies with you.

If you wait until a storm turns toward us, it is too late to prepare so do it now. Plan to stay safe.

Enjoy Your Summer!